Mord und Totschlag

Pinakahuli / Pinakabago

Kanadier vom Taxifahrer ausgeraubt – aber wie!

Kanadier vom Taxifahrer ausgeraubt – aber wie!

8. Februar 2012 – Ein 55-jähriger Kanadier machte den schweren Fehler, einem Taxifahrer zu vertrauen, der ihn zu seinem Hotel nach Ermita, Manila bringen sollte.

Das Opfer John Steve Rickaby, ein Unternehmensberater, hatte keine andere Wahl, als eine Anzeige bei der Polizei von Manila zu stellen, nachdem der Taxifahrer mit all seinen Habseligkeiten und seinem Geld gestern Mittag verschwand.

In seiner Anzeige sagte Rickaby der Polizei, dass er auf dem Weg zu seinem Hotel in Manila war, als er den Fahrer aufforderte, an einem Store in der Nähe des ‘Times Plaza’ an Taft Avenue zu stoppen. Doch wie er aus dem Taxi stieg, raste der Fahrer davon und ließ den Kanadier schockiert und mittellos zurück.

Leider versäumte das Opfer, das Kennzeichen des Taxis sich zu merken oder gar den Namen des Fahrers zu erfragen. Die Polizei sagte, das Opfer fuhr mit dem Taxi von dem Oasis Park Hotel in Paco, Manila zu dem H2O Hotel am Ocean Park am Roxas Boulevard, Ermita, als er etwas in dem besagten Store kaufen wollte.

Laut Polizei sagte das Opfer, es habe eine Menge Leute an dem Store gegeben, sodass er nicht erwartete, dass der Fahrer davon rast und keiner der Passanten der Gegend in der Lage war sich das Fahrzeug-Kennzeichen zu merken. Berichten zufolge verlor das Opfer bei der Aktion zwei Laptop-Computer und eine Tasche mit zwei teuren Uhren, zwei Perlenketten, 3.000 kanadischen Dollar und ein Handy.




Hilflose Touristen!

Hilflose Touristen!

3. Februar 2012 – Irgendwo in den Nachrichten-Seiten habe ich etwas von einer Touristen-Polizei gelesen. Touristen-Polizei! Ich bin kein Tourist – wahrscheinlich ist das der Grund, warum ich noch keine gesehen habe?

Ebenso wenig wie die Touristen, die bestohlen wurden -ausgeraubt aus Spaß (“It’s More Fun in the Philippines”) und als bleibende Erinnerung an unsere schönen Inseln und unsere dynamischen Städte. Drei englische Mädchen wurden von ihrem Taxi-Fahrer ausgeraubt, der ihnen damit auch ein Veilchen aufs Auge als Souvenir mitgab.

Zwei Koreaner wurden durch ihren “Kutscher” um ihre Brieftaschen erleichtert. Ein Deutscher, der aus einer Bar mit entleerten Taschen kommt, Blut strömt aus einer klaffenden Wunde am Kopf. Ein brasilianisches Paar, das gezwungen wurde 1.000 Pesos für eine Fahrt mit der Pferdekutsche auf einer Strecke von gerade mal drei Blöcken zu zahlen, nur weil es regnete.

Mein Freund war schockiert zu sehen, wie ein Mann von einer Balikbayan (Heimkehrerin) die Handtasche schnappte, nur wenige Augenblicke, nachdem sie von einem Geldwechsler kam. Rechtzeitig wurde der Dieb von seinem Motorrad-Kollegen abgeholt und die beiden rasten davon, reibungslos. Ob die Diebe einen Helm trugen? Das einzige was diese Kriminelle trugen, war ein freches Grinsen, als sie an den glücklosen Wachleuten des Hotels vorbei flitzten.

Sollten denn nun solche Vorfälle dem Tourismusministerium oder der Polizei gemeldet werden? Wenn Sie Tourist wären, was würden Sie tun, außer zu schwören niemals wiederzukommen für “mehr Spaß”?

(Bevor wieder dümmliche Nullchecker auf die Idee kommen, der Artikel stamme von Stevaro oder … NEIN, er stammt aus der Feder einer Filipina, namens ‘Jullie Yap Daza’!)


Ein Schweizer und ein Holländer in Tawi-Tawi entführt

Ein Schweizer und ein Holländer in Tawi-Tawi entführt

1. Februar 2012 – Bewaffnete Männer haben am Mittwoch zwei ausländische Vogelbeobachter und ihren philippinischen Begleiter in der südlichen philippinischen Provinz Tawi-Tawi entführt, so ein Polizeibeamter der Region.

Chief Superintendent Bienvenido Latag, Leiter der Polizei der ‘Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao’, identifizierte die Opfer als Elwold Horn (52) aus Holland, Lorenzo Vinciguerra (47) aus der Schweiz und Ivan Sadenas aus Davao.

Die drei wurden in Sitio Look-Look im Barangay Parangan der Stadt Panglima Sugala um etwa 12 Uhr mittags entführt.

Latag sagte, nach ersten Ermittlungen, waren es fünf Entführer, die mit einem M-203 Gewehr, zwei M-16 Gewehren und zwei Kaliber 45 Pistolen bewaffnet waren. Sie waren mit einem Pumpboat unterwegs.

Tawi-Tawi Governor Sadikul Sahali, der sich sofort zum Tatort begab, um die Verfolgungs-Operationen zu überwachen, hat bereits einen Krisenstab eingerichtet, der sich mit der Entführung befasst.


Angeles City – Unbekannter Ausländer erschossen aufgefunden

Montag, 23. Januar 2012, 07:50

Angeles City – Unbekannter Ausländer erschossen aufgefunden

Ein 35 bis 50 jähriger Mann ist in Pampanga erschossen aufgefunden worden. Es handelt sich um einen Ausländer, der bis jetzt nicht identifiziert werden konnte. Personenbeschreibung siehe Link!

Foreigner found dead in Pampanga

CAMP OLIVAS, Pampanga – An unidentified foreigner was found dead with a gunshot wound in the head in Barangay San Antonio, Arayat, Pampanga, police said yesterday. Reports reaching the office of Supt. Romeo de Castro, PRO3 spokesperson, said that a village watchman in Barangay San Antonio discovered the body of a foreign national near a vacant lot over the weekend.

The victim of unknown nationality was found lying on the roadside. He bore a bullet hole in the right side of the head. Police described the victim as about 35 to 50 years old, medium built; with black complexion, curly hair and moustache; and has tattoo marks on his right arm and left hand. He was wearing a black shirt, jeans with white belt, and a pair of leather shoes.

The cadaver of the victim was brought to the Pangilinan Funeral Parlor in Angeles City for autopsy. (Franco G. Regala)

Amerikaner ermordet

Freitag, 13. Januar 2012, 07:00

Amerikaner ermordet

Dienstag letzte Woche wurde in seinem Haus in Davao ein 73-jähriger Amerikaner tot aufgefunden. Es war wohl ein Raubüberfall ,bei dem der alte Herr mit einem Hammer erschlagen wurde.

American found dead in Davao City

Posted at 01/04/2012 7:31 PM | Updated as of 01/04/2012 7:31 PM

MANILA, Philippines – The body of an American was found dead by authorities inside his home in Barangay Ma-a, Davao City Tuesday afternoon.

The victim was identified as Basil Joseph Griffin, 73, a retired auto salesman from Oregon, USA.

His body was found at around 3 p.m. inside the bathroom of his home in Woodridge Park, Barangay Ma-a in Davao.

Police said Griffin, who was alone inside the house at the time of the incident, was hit in the head and face with a mallet by a still unidentified suspect.

The victim’s caretaker “Kevin” told police that an unidentified person brought food to the victim’s house when he was out.

Police are looking into robbery as a possible motive for the crime.

Aside from a large amount of money, the victim’s passport and keys are also missing.

Authorities are investigating the scene of the crime for possible clues on the attacker’s identity.

The weapon used in the crime was also left at the scene. — Report from Paul Palacio, ABS-CBN News Davao



3,5 Mio. Ausländer besuchten im Jahr 2011 die Philippinen

28. Dezember 2011 – Mehr als 3,5 Millionen Ausländer haben das Land bisher in diesem Jahr besucht, berichtet das ‘Bureau of Immigration’ (BI) heute.

Laut BI besuchten bis zum 20. Dezember insgesamt 3.580.647 Ausländer das Land. Das sind 3,7 Prozent mehr als die 3.451.668 Besucher im Jahr 2010. Und dies trotz Reisewarnungen durch die Vereinigten Staaten im vergangenen Juni.

Die Liste der internationalen Besucher wird angeführt von:

  • Koreanern mit 882.804 Besuchern,
  • Amerikanern 707.160,
  • Japanern 373.335,
  • Chinesen 271.703,
  • Australiern 171.544,
  • Taiwanesen 135.696,
  • Briten 131.139,
  • Kanadiern 129.802,
  • Malaysiern 94.361
  • und Gästen aus Singapur 89.329.
  • It’s more fun in the Philippines

    6. Januar 2012 – In der Forderung mehr Touristen anzuziehen, sowohl lokale als auch ausländische, stellte das Tourismusministerium (DOT) am Freitag den neuen Werbe-Slogan vor: “It’s more fun in the Philippines.” (“Es macht mehr Spaß in den Philippinen.”)

    “Wir brauchen eine Aussage, die leicht verständlich ist. Konkurrenzfähig. Mehr Spaß in den Philippinen, das ist wahr.” sagte der Tourismusminister Ramon Jimenez. “Die einfache Wahrheit funktioniert am besten, wenn Du jemanden überzeugen willst. Wir versprechen nur, was wir jetzt auch liefern können.” sagte er weiter.

    Jimenez, ein anerkannter Werbefachmann, bevor er der Regierung Aquinos im vergangenen Jahr beitrat, sagte der neue touristische Slogan ist die beste Antwort auf die Frage “Warum sollte ich auf die Philippinen gehen?”

    Schlechte Infrastruktur, wie sporadische Terrorbedrohungen beuteln das Image des Landes seit Jahren und vergraulen Touristen sowie potenzielle Investoren. In der Tat verdiente das Land nur 2,7 Mrd. $ im Jahr 2010 mit 3,5 Mio. ausländischen Touristen. Aber Jimenez versprach diese Zahl auf 12 Mio. Ausländer zu vervierfachen, die bis zum Ende der Regierungszeit Aquinos im Jahr 2016 jährlich kommen sollen.

    Die Regierung rechnet mit 4,2 Millionen Touristen in diesem Jahr, was zum sechsten Platz unter den Ländern in Südost-Asien reicht, in einem Markt, der von Thailand und Malaysia beherrscht wird. Die “It’s more fun in the Philippines” Kampagne ersetzt die “Wow Philippines: More than Usual”-Kampagne, die von dem damaligen Tourismusminister Richard Gordon im Jahr 2002 initiiert wurde.

    Der touristische Slogan erhält auch ein neues Logo, das ein buntes Bild der philippinischen Karte nach dem Muster einer handgewebten Matte enthält, die häufig zum Schlafen und Sitzen in südostasiatischen Ländern verwendet wird.

    Jimenez sagte, der neue Slogan soll den philippinischen Tourismus zu neuen Höhen erheben.


Mord an Deutschem

Mord an Deutschem in Negros: Diebe in Verdacht

21. Dez. 2011 – Die Polizei untersucht Raub als mögliches Motiv des Mordes an dem deutschen Staatsangehörigen in Bago City, Negros Occidental.

Obwohl keine wertvollen Gegenstände aus dem Haus des Opfers Herman Knitz (72) fehlten, waren die Schlüssel zu seinem Tresor in der Bank und sein Geldbeutel verschwunden, sagte der Polizeichef von Bago, Supt. Simeon Gane.

Gane sagte, der Banktresor enthält das Geld und den Schmuck des Opfers sowie seiner philippinischen Ehefrau.

Knitz, ein pensionierter deutscher Lehrer, erlag seinen 15 Stichwunden und Verletzungen am Kopf, als er erstochen und mit einem Hammer niedergeschlagen wurde, von mindestens zwei Verdächtigen, sagte Gane.

Er sagte auch, dass die Verdächtigen ihr Opfer gekannt haben müssen, da es keine Anzeichen für ein gewaltsames Eindringen in das Haus gab. Untersuchungen zeigten auch, dass Knitz allein im Haus war, als sich der Vorfall ereignete.

Gane sagte weiter, dass möglicherweise dem Opfer zuerst mit einem Hammer auf den Kopf geschlagen wurde, bevor ein anderer Täter mehrmals auf ihn einstach.

Da sie bis jetzt keine Zeugen haben, bauten sie auf Beweise der Kollegen des ‘PNP Crime Laboratory’, die eine Autopsie an dem Leichnam von Knitz durchführen, um den Verdächtigen dingfest zu machen.

Auswandern - Den Kulturschock überwinden


Sonntag, 25. Dezember 2011, 11:19

Amerikaner ausgeraubt und ermordet

Der pensionierte United States Marine Soldat starb in seiner Residenz in Tagaytay City in der nördlichen philippinischen Provinz Cavite am Heiligabend teilte die Polizei am Sonntag mit …..
American robbed, killed on Christmas eve in Philippines: police

MANILA, Dec. 25 (Xinhua) — A retired United States Marine soldier died inside his residence in Tagaytay City in the northern Philippine province of Cavite on Christmas eve after being attacked by unidentified robbers or a robber, police said Sunday.

James Thomas Kakara, 61, a war veteran whose left leg had been amputated, was alone when attacked at his residence at Kaybagal South village, said Cavite police director Senior Supt. John Bulalacao.

The body of Kakara, who had been residing in Tagaytay City for a long time, was found around 9:30 a.m. Sunday with injuries apparently caused by a lead pipe that the suspects or suspect used, said Bulalacao, quoting initial investigation conducted by the Scene of the Crime Office (SOCO).

“He (Kakara) was alone at home at that time because his ( Filipina) wife and the rest of the members of the family were out in Nasugbu (a town in Batangas province) for an overnight party and the following day, the American national was found dead,” said Bulalacao.

Bulacacao could not immediately say how many suspects were involved. “None yet. It’s currently being investigated by the chief of police of Tagaytay and there are no witnesses coming out. Right now, as of this date, as of this time, our investigators are having difficulty in coming up with definitive angle or modus operandi,” he said.

The robbers or robber allegedly carted away a black shoulder bag containing around 206,000 pesos (4,716 U.S. dollars), a mobile phone and a laptop computer, police said.

Schweizer auf den Philippinen vermisst

Wo ist Alex Reich?Schweizer auf den Philippinen vermisst

  • Publiziert: 07.11.2011, Aktualisiert: 03.01.2012

MANILA – Bis September meldet sich Alexander Reich (24) immer wieder bei seinen Freunden und Angehörigen. Aber plötzlich herrscht Funkstille.

Immer informiert – Abonnieren Sie den Blick Newsletter!

Der 24-jährige Alexander Reich ist für einen Sprachaufenthalt nach Quezon City (Manila) gereist. Bis zum 22. September 2011 hatte er regelmässig telefonisch oder via Facebook Kontakte in die Schweiz.

Jetzt hat niemand mehr etwas vom Schweizer aus dem Kanton Zürich gehört. Es ist nicht auszuschliessen, dass ihm etwas zugestossen ist, teilt die Polizei mit.

Personen, die Angaben über den Aufenthalt des Vermissten machen können, Kontakte mit ihm unterhielten oder persönliche Begegnungen auf den Philippinen mit ihm hatten, werden gebeten, sich bei der Kantonspolizei Zürich zu melden.

Alexander Reich. (Kapo ZH)

Mysteriös verschwunden

11. Dezember 2011 23:01; Akt: 11.12.2011 23:33 Print

Zürcher sucht seinen Sohn in Manila

von Simona Marty – Der 24-jährige Alex Reich ist Ende September auf den Philippinen verschwunden. Nun ist sein Vater nach Manila gereist, um nach seinem Sohn zu suchen.

storybildVermisst: Alex Reich.

Mit einem SMS hat sich der 24-jährige Alex Reich Ende September das letzte Mal bei einem Freund in Manila gemeldet. «I am in a white car with friends – coming soon», schrieb er – angekommen aber ist der junge Mann nie. Seither fehlt jede Spur von Alex, der in Manila eine Sprachschule besuchte. Regelmässig stand er mit Freunden und seiner Familie in der Schweiz in Kontakt. Wieso der Sprachstudent plötzlich verschwand, kann sich niemand erklären.

Herr Reich, wie geht es Ihnen?
Manuel Reich*:
Es ist für die ganze Familie eine grosse Belastung, nicht zu wissen, wo Alex ist. Unsere ganzen Anstrengungen dienen dem einen Ziel: rasch Klarheit zu erlangen über seinen Verbleib. Wir hoffen, ihn möglichst bald wieder in die Arme schliessen zu können.

Wie wird nach Alex gesucht?
Zum Glück engagieren sich einzelne Mitarbeitende der Schweizer Botschaft in Manila und der Kantonspolizei Zürich sowie Freunde in der Schweiz und auf den Philippinen in hohem Masse. Dafür sind wir sehr dankbar. Wir werden am Dienstag mit der Polizei und in Anwesenheit einer Vertretung der Schweizer Botschaft eine Medienkonferenz in Manila durchführen. Anschliessend werden wir auf den Philippinen eine Suchkampagne mit Plakaten und Flugblättern starten, die wir mit Aktionen im Internet zusätzlich unterstützen. Für Hinweise, die uns zu Alex führen, haben wir eine Belohnung ausgesetzt.

Glauben Sie, dass Ihr Sohn noch am Leben ist?
Ohne Hoffnung könnten wir nicht kämpfen. Unsere ganze Familie und alle seine Freunde glauben daran, dass wir Alex finden und ihn gesund wieder nach Hause bringen können.

*Manuel Reich ist der Vater des vermissten Alex Reich. Sein Vater wollte nicht länger tatenlos zusehen und reiste laut «NZZ am Sonntag» nach Manila, um selbstständig nach seinem Sohn zu suchen – in der Schweiz fühlte er sich im Stich gelassen. «Sämtliche Anstrengungen, Alex zu finden, kamen erst auf Initiative der Familie zustande», sagt Danni Härry, Kommunikationsberater und langjähriger Freund der Familie. «Die aktive Unterstützung und Hilfe des Bundes, die sie sich erhofften, blieb leider lange Zeit aus. Erst als nach Wochen die Kantonspolizei Zürich den Fall übernahm, kam Bewegung in die Sache», so Härry weiter.

Die Kantonspolizei Zürich hat inzwischen zwei Beamte nach Manila geschickt. Zusammen mit der Polizei von Manila und der US-amerikanischen Bundespolizei wird nun intensiv nach Alex gesucht. Inzwischen will man jedoch nicht mehr ausschliessen, dass der 24-Jährige nicht mehr am Leben ist.

Australier in den Philippinen entführt

Australier in den Philippinen entführt

6. Dez. 2011 – Ein Australier wurde im Süden der Philippinen am Montag entführt, sagte das Militär. Die neueste Entführung in einer langen Reihe von Lösegelderpressungen durch muslimische Extremisten.

Mehrere bewaffnete Männer entführten Warren Rodwell aus seinem Haus in der Küstenstadt Ipil auf der Insel Mindanao und flohen dann mit Schnellbooten, laut dem regionalen Militärsprecher Oberstleutnant Randolph Cabangbang. Cabangbang sagte gegenüber der Presse, dass bisher noch niemand Verantwortung für die Entführung übernommen hat.

Aber Entführungen an Ausländern, treten häufig in den südlichen Teilen der Philippinen auf, wo ein muslimischer Separatisten-Aufstand seit mehr als 40 Jahren andauert. Die der Al-Qaida nahe stehende Abu Sayyaf ist die berüchtigste vieler militanter muslimischer Gruppen, die solche Entführungen im Süden ausführen.

Die Abu Sayyaf, die vermutlich nur ein paar hundert bewaffnete Anhänger haben soll, wurde auch für die Entführung einer Filipina in der Stadt Ipil im September verantwortlich gemacht. Das Militär rettete sie zwei Wochen später aus der Abu Sayyaf-Hochburg auf der Basilan Insel, etwa drei bis fünf Stunden mit dem Schnellboot entfernt, bei einer Schießerei in der ein Soldat starb.

Cabangbang sagte, das Militär war noch nicht in der Lage, festzustellen, ob die Abu Sayyaf hinter der Entführung vom Montag steckt. “Wir untersuchen die Möglichkeit, dass es die gleiche Gruppe ist, aber es ist zu früh für diese Aussage.” sagte er.

Die Abu Sayyaf wurde 1990 mit Al-Qaida-Finanzierung gegründet und wird auf den Philippinen für die schlimmsten Terroranschläge, einschließlich eines Bombenattentats auf eine Fähre, das mehr als 100 Menschen im Jahr 2004 tötete, als auch für die Enthauptung von Ausländern, verantwortlich gemacht.

Die US-Streitkräfte haben etwa 600 Soldaten im Süden der Philippinen seit einem Jahrzehnt stationiert, um das philippinische Militär für den Kampf mit der Abu Sayyaf zu trainieren, obwohl die Gruppe überlebte, zum Teil durch eine starke lokale Unterstützung.

Aber auch andere bewaffnete Gruppen, darunter kriminelle Banden und kriminelle Elemente der wichtigsten muslimischen Separatisten-Gruppe, der Moro Islamic Liberation Front, sind auch für Lösegelderpressungen bekannt.

Allein in diesem Jahr wurden zwei Amerikaner, ein malaysischer Staatsangehöriger, ein Inder und drei Südkoreaner, zusammen mit vielen Filipinos in verschiedenen Teilen der südlichen Philippinen entführt. Einige der entführten Opfer wurden freigelassen, aber andere, darunter ein amerikanischer Teenager, blieben in Gefangenschaft.

Cabangbang sagte, einige Details über Rodwell waren sofort zur Verfügung, aber ein Pressesprecher der australischen Botschaft konnte keine Informationen liefern. Eine Website, die nicht sofort überprüft werden konnte, bewarb ein Geschäft von Warren Rodwell und seiner philippinischen Ehefrau in Ipil. Diese verlinkte zu anderen Seiten mit Fotos und Beiträgen von Rodwells Reisen rund um die Welt.

Auswandern - Den Kulturschock überwinden


Koreaner entführt

Einer der 3 entführten Koreaner im Krankenhaus verstorben

6. Dezember 2011 – Zwei Wochen, nachdem er von seinen Entführern freigelassen wurde, ist einer der drei im Oktober entführten Koreaner in einem Krankenhaus am vergangenen Freitag in Cagayan de Oro City, verstorben.

Cagayan de Oro Polizeichef Supt. Gerardo Rosales sagte, Choi In Soo verstarb während der Behandlung im Krankenhaus in der besagten Provinz. Er sagte, das Opfer war im Krankenhaus aufgrund eines Magengeschwürs.

Soo war mit den Landsleuten Seok Bong Wu und Kim Nam Doo am 21. Oktober entführt worden und wurde von seinen Entführern am 24. November in einer entfernten Stadt an der Grenze von Lanao del Sur und Lanao del Norte freigelassen.

Seok und Kim wurden vom Militär am 26. November gerettet.

Aufzeichnungen zeigten, die drei Koreaner wurden von bewaffneten Männern entführt, während sie Möglichkeiten des Bergbaus in Mindanao untersuchten.

Auswandern - Den Kulturschock überwinden


Amerikaner in Balibago erstochen

Freitag, 29. Juli 2011, 07:09

Amerikaner in Balibago erstochen

Ein amerikanischer Staatsbürger wurde tot in seiner Wohnung in der A. Santos aufgefunden.

Am Körper des 71-jährigen William L. fand man zwei Stichwunden.

Laut einem Zeugen, hörte man das Opfer und eine unbekannte Frau streiten in der Wohnung um 01.00 Uhr am Donnerstag.

ANGELES City, Philippines—An American tourist was stabbed and killed by two men who barged into his apartment in Barangay (village) Balibago here on Thursday, police said.

Chief Inspector Luisito Tan, commander of the police’s Station 4 here, said a 12-inch knife was still buried in the nape of William Lavareli, 68, when his body was discovered by neighbors. Two shorter knives were also stuck in his nape and right armpit.

Tan said a belt bag that was usually worn by Lavareli was missing. He said a neighbor heard Lavareli talking to a woman at around 1:30 a.m. Some 30 minutes after the woman left, the neighbor heard a commotion inside Lavareli’s apartment.

The neighbor peeped through the apartment’s kitchen window and saw two men beating up Lavareli, Tan said.

Entführter Australier: Blutspuren

Entführter Australier: Blutspuren

7. Dez. 2011 – Außerhalb des Hauses, des am Montag Abend entführten Australiers aus Ipil (Zamboanga), wurden Blutflecken entdeckt, sagte die Polizei. Warren Richard Rodwell (53) könnte mit seinen Entführern gekämpft haben und dabei verletzt worden sein.

Laut Polizei hörte ein Zeuge einen Schuss und anschließend schrie jemand vor Schmerz. Allerdings waren die Schreie in der Sprache Visayan, sodass die Polizei nicht weiß, ob sie von Rodwell stammten oder einem seiner bewaffneten Entführer. Immerhin konnte die Polizei eine leere Patronenhülse sichern.

Rodwell ist über 1,80 Meter groß und untersetzt, sodass die Polizei den Eindruck hat, seine Entführer hätten wegen seines Körperbaus Schwierigkeiten gehabt, mit ihm fertig zu werden. Rodwell ein australischer Armeeangehöriger im Ruhestand, war alleine zu hause in seinem Heim in einer Subdivision, als sieben Bewaffnete ihn am Montag um 18 Uhr überraschten.

Die Polizei berichtet weiter, dass die Banditen ihr Opfer an den Händen fesselten und ihn anschließend in den Wald verschleppten. Aber andere Zeugen sagten, dass das Opfer zum Strand geschleift wurde und in ein kleines Boot gezwungen wurde. Die Polizei vermutet die Abu Sayyaf hinter der Entführung.

Rodwell, der aus Strathfield in New South Wales stammte, war seit 10. Mai in den Philippinen. Am 1. Juni heiratete er Miraflor Gutang (27) aus Ipil. Das Paar bezog im Oktober ihr Haus in der Subdivision, aber seit 25. November waren sie nach einem Streit getrennt.

Auswandern - Den Kulturschock überwinden


Australier erschossen

Montag, 14. November 2011, 08:58

Australier erschossen

Am Freitag Morgen wurde ein 57-jähriger australischer Mineninspektoreiner Goldmine in Agusan del Sur auf seinem Motorrad erschossen.

Ausländer ermordet in AC

Ausländer ermordet in AC

Vor der Garfields-Bar soll letzte Nacht gegen 1 a.m. ein Ausländer erschossen worden sein. Bei dem Opfer soll es sich um eine ältere weiße männliche Üerson handel.

Indizien sprechen für einen Raubüberfall. Es fehlen Wallet, Cellphone und IDs .


Posted by admin on October 19, 2011 in Breaking News, Uncategorized |


According to Maj Tan this gentleman who was a victim of a vicious murder two days ago at 0130 hours, is still unidentified.  He was attacked by two Filipinos near Garfields.  One perp. grabbed him around the neck from behind, placed a gun to his head and shot him.  A second individual shot him along his left side with the bullet exiting out his right side.  The bullet to his head also exited out the opposite side of the head.  The victim was left on the ground but without his wallet or cell phone.  The police are hoping that someone will see this picture and can identify him.  He appears to be in his 50′s.  If anyone has any information please contact Maj Tan at Station Four, Angeles City.

Italienischer Priester in Nord-Cotabato erschossen

Italienischer Priester in Nord-Cotabato erschossen

17. Oktober 2011 – Ein noch unbekannter Mann erschoss den italienischen Priester Fausto Tentorio in der Stadt Arakan in Nord Cotabato am Montagmorgen, sagte ein lokaler Beamter.

Arakan Councilor, Leonardo Reovoca sagte, Fr. Tentorio, der Gemeindepriester der Stadt Arakan, war im Begriff sein Fahrzeug zu öffnen, als ein Mann ihn kurz vor 8 Uhr früh erschoss.

Tentorio wollte ein kirchliches Treffen in Kidapawan City besuchen, als er von einem Helm tragenden Mann erschossen wurde.

Der Priester wurde sofort zu einem Facharzt gebracht, wo er aber nur noch für tot erklärt werden konnte.

Reovoca sagte, einige Gemeindearbeiter rannten hinaus, als sie eine Reihe von Schüssen hörten und sahen den Schützen zu Fuß zu einem wartenden Motorrad laufen.

“Ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, was ihm passiert ist. Wir haben keine Idee, was das Motiv des Mordes ist.” sagte Reovoca.


Manila: “Schande Südostasiens”, weltweit “schlimmster” Flughafen

Manila: “Schande Südostasiens”, weltweit “schlimmster” Flughafen

18. Oktober 2011 – Die “Schande Südostasiens”, wie ein Engländer kürzlich Manila in seinem Blog beschrieb, seien Häuser, die einer Reise-Website zufolge, als der weltweit schlimmste Flughafen bezeichnet werden.

Der ‘Ninoy Aquino International Airport’ (NAIA) Terminal 1 führt die Liste der weltweit schlimmsten Flughäfen für das Jahr 2011 laut dem “Leitfaden zum Schlaf in Flughäfen”, einer Website, die jährlich die Qualität der Flughäfen der Welt beurteilt.

Die NAIA-1-Bewertung stieg laut der Website von der 2010 Einschätzung, als er der 5. schlimmste Flughafen der Welt und der Schlimmste in Asien war.

“Warum? Es wird Ihnen nicht erlaubt, das Terminal mehr als 3 Stunden vor Abflug zu betreten.” sagt die Website und fügte hinzu, dass NAIA-1 “in schlechter Verfassung” sei.

“Anfang dieses Jahres haben einige schlechte Presseberichte über den Zustand des Flughafens, die Flughafen Beamten versprechen lassen, dass sie die Terminal 1 Toiletten reinigen lassen und fließendes Wasser und Seife anbieten. Stellen Sie sich vor … sie mussten es tatsächlich versprechen, dieses anzubieten!” sagte die Website.

“Der Leitfaden zum Schlaf in Flughäfen” wies auch darauf hin, dass Probleme erst kürzlich NAIA-1 plagten, darunter der Zusammenbruch der ‘Bay 7 Decke’ im Mai.

Die Leiden des NAIA-1 gehen aber über die schlechte Einrichtung hinaus, wies die Website aus.

“Vergessen Sie in diesem Flughafen schlafen zu wollen! Sie werden kein Auge hier schließen wollen! Bestechung und Diebstahl leben hier.” sagt der Online-Ratgeber, der Budget-Reisenden vorschlägt, in Flughäfen zu schlafen.

“Flughafensteuern werden erhoben,” erklärt die Website, “aber das Geld scheint nicht in die Verbesserung des Flughafens zu gehen. Es wird ihnen gesagt, dass ihre Papiere nicht korrekt seien, aber eine Gebühr von Betrag X wird die Angelegenheit in Ordnung bringen.”

Der Ratgeber stellte jedoch fest, dass die Touristen “mehr Glück haben” in Bezug auf die Einrichtungen im Terminal 3. Aber gleichzeitig wies er darauf hin, dass NAIA-3 “als strukturell mangelhaft erachtet wurde.” Was aber nicht weiter ausgeführt wurde.

NAIAs schlechte Bewertung erhielt die Aufmerksamkeit der Medien zu einer Zeit, in der ein Blog Manila als “eine Müllhalde” bezeichnete und diese Nachricht sich wie ein Lauffeuer auf den Philippinen verbreitete.

Die negative Bewertung von Manila kam von einem Engländer namens Geoffrey James Quartermain Bastin, der behauptete ab und zu seit 1991 hier gearbeitet zu haben und Manila als die “Schande Südostasiens” bezeichnete.

Die Auswirkungen solch negativer Publicity über den philippinischen Tourismus bleiben abzuwarten, inmitten Tourismusminister Ramon Jimenez Kampagne für Filipinos, die “philippinische Marke” über “Social Media” zu verkaufen.

Zuvor sagte Jimenez, die Philippinen seien nicht schwer zu verkaufen. “Das ist das schönste Land der Welt. Eines der zehn schönsten Länder der Welt. Es gibt keinen Grund, warum wir keinen Erfolg haben sollten.” betonte er.

(Bevor Übersetzungsfehler unterstellt werden, hier der Originaltext des letzten Absatzes:
Earlier, Jimenez said the Philippines is not difficult to sell. “This is the most beautiful country in the world. One of the ten most beautiful countries in the world. There is no reason we won’t succeed,” he noted.)


Amerikaner begeht Selbstmord

Amerikaner begeht Selbstmord

Montag, 10. Oktober 2011, 11:34

Ein 59-jähriger Ex-Armee-Angehöriger hat sich am Donnerstag in AC umgebracht. Er war seit 6 Jahren krebskrank und einsam und seine 1.000 Bucks reichten nicht für eine vernünftige medizinische Versorgung.

NGELES CITY, Philippines – A retired US serviceman was found dead in his room in the Malabanias district here on Thursday in an apparent case of suicide, police said Friday.

Chief Inspector Luisito Tan of the Police Station 4 said David John Stevens, 59, was seen alive after after returning Thursday from a check-up at the Veterans Affairs Medical Clinic in Pasay City.

Stevens, who had been undergoing treatment for cancer for six years, “ingested large doses of valium and morphine to end his life,” Tan said, citing a suicide note found on the former soldier’s table.

“I have decided to take my life [because] I have no friends and been in constant pain for over 6 years,” read the suicide note. “VA [Veterans Affairs] refuses to help and especially Social Security. I cannot live on 1,000 USD a month. No family and friends.”

Tan said Stevens’ body was found by an attendant of the building where he rented an apartment.

In the suicide letter, Stevens requested that a certain Pauli, whose number was in his mobile phone, be contacted.

He said he wanted his body cremated and his ashes shipped to Lunds Corner Lutheran Church in Massachusetts and then spread over the graves of his parents.

The remains of Stevens were taken to a funeral parlor for autopsy.

Kanadier ermordet

Montag, 10. Oktober 2011, 11:29

Kanadier ermordet

Letzten Mittwoch wurde in Baguio City ein 29-jähriger Kanadier ermordet aufgefunden. Indizien sprechen zwar für einen Raubüberfall, es kann aber auch sein, daß sich seine Assawa an ihm gerächt hat, weil er ein Anullment angestrebt hat.

Belgischer Ressortbetreiber tot aufgefunden

CamSur – Belgischer Ressortbetreiber tot aufgefunden

Nach Angaben von offiziellen Stellen sieht es so aus, als sei ein 51-jähriger belgischer Ressortbetreiber an einer großen Fleischwunde am Arm verblutet. Da nichts gestohlen wurde und sich ein Messer neben dem Toten befand, gehen die Ermittler davon aus, dass es sich wahrscheinlich um einen Selbstmord handelt.

Manila – Amerikanisches Paar nach Abendessen erschossen

Ein amerikanisches Paar (78 und 79 Jahre alt) wurde am Freitagabend in ihrem Haus in Ilocos Norte nach dem Abendessen erschossen. Die beiden standen kurz vor ihrer Rückkehr nach Hawaii. Als dringend tatverdächtig gilt der ehemalige Hausboy, der aufgrund von Zeugenaussagen festgenommen werden konnte.
A US-based Filipino couple were shot dead in their house in Ilocos Norte Friday night, with police suspecting revenge as the likely motive.

Ilocos Norte police chief Senior Superintendent Marlou Chan said the incident occurred at 7:30 p.m. in Manalpac village in Solsona town.

Chan identified the victims as Patricio Esteban, 78, and wife Leonila, 81, who were shot five times while they were sitting in the backyard after eating dinner.

He said the couple had stayed for a long time in the United States before returning to the Philippines.

Police filed a double murder case before the Provincial Prosecutor’s Office against one Cristobal Pablo for the incident.

An initial investigation showed Pablo was a former household helper of the couple who they had fired and charged.

It was not immediately clear what charges the couple had filed against Pablo.

18-Jähriger Norwegischer Tourist in Manila erschossen

MANILA, Philippines—An 18-year-old Norwegian tourist was fatally shot outside a bar in Quezon City when he tried to stop a fight, police said Tuesday.

Mikael Troy Johansen Rasay had left the bar with friends early Sunday when he saw a commotion across the street and tried to intervene in a fight between a man and a woman, Chief Inspector Rodelio Marcelo of Quezon City said.

Marcelo said that Rasay knocked the man down in a fistfight. Gunfire rang out moments later and witnesses reported seeing another man chasing and shooting Rasay.

Marcelo said the suspect escaped in a car. Rasay died of wounds after being brought to a hospital and another person was wounded by a stray bullet.

Police said they are investigating.

Vermisster Kanadier unter Schweinestall begraben

15. Juli 2011 – Die Leiche eines vermissten kanadischen Staatsangehörigen, wurde unter einem Schweinestall begraben im Barangay Adlaon, Cebu City gefunden.

Die Verdächtigen, die als Rolando Aburot (46), seine Frau und sein Sohn genannt wurden, ergaben sich am Donnerstagabend den Behörden.

Darcy Hanz Reutenberg (53), ein ehemaliger Missionar, der seit 25. Juni als vermisst gemeldet war, erlitt eine Schusswunde in den Hinterkopf.

Die Verdächtigen gestanden den Mord an Reutenberg und stahlen Bargeld und seine Wertsachen.

Aburot der angeblich als Straßenkind aufwuchs, arbeitete für den Kanadier in der bergigen Gegend des Barangay Adlaon.

Aburot hatte ein Trinkgelage mit Reutenberg. Als er nach seinem Lohn für den Bau des Rasthauses des Ausländers fragte, sei der angeblich wütend geworden. (Allerdings berichteten im Fernsehen andere Nachbarn, die ebenfalls für den Kanadier arbeiteten, dass dieser sie wie vereinbart bezahlt habe.)

Als Akt der Notwehr, sagte er, erschoss er Reutenberg versehentlich.

Jedoch zeigten die polizeilichen Ermittlungen, dass Reutenbergs Wertsachen und Bargeld von Rolando gestohlen wurden.

Die kanadische Botschaft hat mit der Polizei zusammen gearbeitet, nachdem Reutenberg seit dem 25. Juni als vermisst gemeldet worden war.


Kanadier niedergestochen

Kanadier niedergestochen

Ein 53-jähriger Australier wurde gestern in AC von seiner “Freundin” niedergestochen.Es war wohl eine heftiger Streit vorausgegangen, bei der die Pinay mit 4 Messerstichen den Ausie niedermetzelte. Die Pinay ist noch flüchtig und der Australier liegt auf der Intensivstation.

Canadian stabbed by Pinay girlfriend

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

CAMP OLIVAS — A Canadian national was reportedly stabbed by his Filipina girlfriend on Tuesday.

John Mourice Pasnac, 53, of F-7 Nile Street, Barangay Anunas, Angeles City, was found by neighbors sprawled inside his apartment with four stab wounds.

Chief Inspector Luisito Tan, Station 4 police chief, said Pasnac was arguing with his girlfriend before the incident.


Pasnac was rushed to the Garcia Medical Center. He is in critical condition as of Tuesday.

Police investigators said there was no sign of burglary inside Pascac’s apartment because his valuables, including his laptop, digital camera and cellphone, are still intact.

Witnesses told authorities they noticed a woman fleeing from the place of the victim shortly after they heard a commotion coming from Pasnac’s place.

Francis Arsenio, a caretaker of Pasnac’s apartment, said the victim called him for help.

Arsenio said he rushed to the apartment and found Pasnac’s neighbors trying to get the victim out of the place.

Tan said they are still establishing the motive behind the incident, adding he already directed his men to invite the victim’s girlfriend for questioning.

Pasnac is still at the intensive care unit of the Garcia Hospital as of Tuesday.

2 Amerikaner ermordet

Bei 2 unabhängig voneinander vorgefallenen Überfällen wurden Montag 2 Amerikaner ermordet.

In Tarlac wurde Montag 1 61-jähriger Amerikaner in seinem Haus erschossen. Die Mörder entwendeten Wertgegenstände und Cash und flohen mit dem Auto des Opfers, welches später gefunden wurde.

In San Pedro, Laguna wurde ebenfalls am Montag ein Amerikaner erschossen, als er gerade Zigaretten kaufen wollte. Hier scheint wohl seine Asawa involviert zu sein

Österreicher auf den Philippinen erschossen

Österreicher auf den Philippinen erschossen

Ein österreichischer Geschäftsmann ist gestern in Unisan auf den Philippinen erschossen worden. Wie Außenamtssprecher Peter Launsky-Tieffenthal gegenüber der APA sagt, wurde ein Verdächtiger bereits ausgeforscht und festgenommen. Die beiden Männer hatten am Tag vor der Bluttat eine heftige Auseinandersetzung.Der Täter gab mehrere Schüsse auf den Österreicher ab. Als er mit seinem Auto flüchtete, wurde er von einem Zeugen beobachtet, der sich die Nummer des Autos notierte. Aufgrund dieser Beobachtung konnte die Polizei nur wenige Stunden später den mutmaßlichen Verdächtigen festnehmen.

Der Geschäftsmann wurde ins Spital gebracht, dort konnte aber nur noch der Tod festgestellt werden. Bei einer Gegenüberstellung mit der Lebensgefährtin gab diese an, dass der Festgenommene und ihr Freund am Tag vor dem Mord eine heftige Auseinandersetzung hatten.

Ob der Mann aber tatsächlich der Mörder ist, konnte noch nicht geklärt werden. Der 38-jährige Österreicher lebt offenbar bereits mehr als ein Jahr auf den Philippinen. Die Botschaft war am Freitag mit den Angehörigen in Kontakt.

Teen girlfriend, friends kill American, 76

Friday, April 1, 2011

CEBU CITY — A 16-year-old girl had her 76-year-old American boyfriend killed because she was jealous he had another girlfriend and he no longer gave her money.

She had carried out the murder of Leamon Wesley Casteen Jr. at 9 p.m. Wednesday with the help of four friends — aged 15, 16, 18 and 27 years old.

Casteen of South Carolina was found fatally shot in his rented apartment at Sanchez Bldg. on Sanciangko Street, Cebu City.


A security guard rushed to Casteen’s apartment upon hearing gunshots and saw the American’s visitors — his 16-year-old girlfriend and her four friends — running away from the apartment in different directions.

Nelson Barquio, the security guard, said he recognized 16-year-old Amy (whose real name Sun.Star Cebu is withholding on account of her being a minor) because she was a frequent visitor of Casteen.

He allowed only three of them to go to the apartment and had the 15- and 16-year-old stay behind.

He did not inspect the knapsack they had with them. The bag contained three guns that were used to kill Casteen.

He found a .45 caliber pistol on the floor of the elevator and Casteen dead with gunshot wounds in his apartment.

Ylanan identified the three suspects from the information given them by the two friends who were held by Barquio.

They were Cyril Jordan Galiste, 18; Aldez Flores, 27; and Amy, Casteen’s girlfriend.

Galiste was the gunman and Flores the lookout.

The kids belonged to a group called Tanduay Survivor Clan.

Amy and Casteen met a few weeks ago. Amy had found out Casteen had another girlfriend, aged 17, and got jealous. Amy also got angry at Casteen when he stopped giving her money.

Because of this, she called her group and asked for help. She wanted Casteen dead.

Galiste and Flores allegedly volunteered to kill Casteen on condition that they would get some money after the job was done.

Amy’s 16-year-old friend said in an interview with Sun.Star Cebu that she had dissuaded Amy from her plan.

But Amy could not be dissuaded, telling her, “Bahala na uy kay naka-desisyon na ko (Let it be. I have decided).”

The police went to Barili town where Amy was said to have gone to hide, but did not find her there.

The 15- and 16-year-old who were held by the guard were put under the custody of the Department of Social Welfare and Development.

Galiste, the alleged gunman, surrendered Thursday afternoon.

Galiste said that after the killing, they went to Labangon, Cebu City to rest for the night. They proceeded to Toledo City at dawn to hide.

But Galiste said his conscience bothered him and his mother kept calling him to surrender. The police were in their house.

He told his father where he was and Ylanan’s team picked him up in Toledo.

Flores and Amy had gone when the police arrived to pick up Galiste.

“Ang kapait aning kasuha kay ang motive pwerteng mabawa. Kining mga bataa gasabot sila without thinking unsay mahitabo inig human or the possible consequences with what they have done (The sad thing about this case, the motive of the killing is shallow. The kids came up with a plan but did not think through the consequence of their action),” responding Cebu City police team leader Chief Inspector George Ylanan told Sun.Star Cebu.

Police recovered at the ground floor of the building the .45 pistol, two empty shells, magazine of .45 pistol, 27 live ammunition of an M16 rifle, one bullet of a .38, a black holster, a t-shirt with blood stains and a green umbrella.

In Casteen’s apartment, they found three pieces of deformed slugs and four empty shells from a .45. (Sun.Star Cebu)

American killed in motorcycle accident in Cebu

April 13, 2011 1:21pm
An American national was killed in a vehicular accident in the island province of Cebu on Tuesday, police said Wednesday.

Philippine National Police (PNP) spokesman Chief Superintendent Agrimero Cruz Jr. identified the fatality as Ernest Williams.

The incident happened at Barangay Ipo in Lapu-Lapu City at about 1:15 p.m., he said.

Initial investigation showed that Williams was driving his Kawasaki motorcycle without a plate number when it accidentally collided with a Hyundai Porter Dropside vehicle (KEM 587) driven by one Rene Gargar Viajador. It was not immediately clear if Viajador was hurt in the incident.

Williams was rushed to a nearby hospital but was declared dead on arrival. Further investigation was still being conducted as of posting time, Cruz said.

A boom in motorcycle sale in the country over the years has resulted in a spike in the number of motorcycle accidents, most of them caused by reckless driving. – Mark D. Merueñas/KBK, GMA News

Belgian shot in the face by robbers

Belgian shot in the face by robbers
By Tina Santos
Philippine Daily Inquirer
First Posted 20:09:00 04/02/2011

Filed Under: Crime, Robbery and theft

MANILA, Philippines ? A 67-year-old Belgian was seriously wounded when he was shot by robbers trying to divest him of a cell phone and possibly other things at noon Saturday in Parañaque, police said.

Senior Superintendent Nestor Pastoral, Parañaque City chief of police, identified the victim as Daniel Masul, a resident of Galleria de Magallanes and owner of Pressing Bleu Lavandae, a laundry shop located at Km 18 South Superhighway, Barangay (village) Marcelo Green.

Pastoral said the victim was under observation at hospital with a bullet wound in the face.

Investigators said the shooting happened around 12:15 p.m. inside the laundry shop.

The victim, along with an employee identified as Elsa Bisca, 34, was in the shop when two armed men barged in and declared a robbery.

One of the men grabbed the victim’s mobile phone but he resisted, prompting the other robber to shoot him in the face.

Police said they were conducting follow-up operations to identify and arrest the robbers, who fled the scene after the shooting.

Retired US Navy sailor shot dead in Pagudpud

Posted at 02/23/2011 6:18 PM | Updated as of 02/23/2011 6:18 PM
ILOCOS NORTE, Philippines – A retired US Navy officer was shot dead inside his resort in Pagudpud, Ilocos Norte, early Wednesday morning, police said.
The victim, 65-year-old Paul Ramos, was shot several times in the body, according to investigators.
Police have tagged 7 suspects, including 2 women, in the killing.
The suspects checked in the resort just before the incident, investigators said.
Police have launched pursuit operations and arrested several people.
The names of those arrested have yet to be released.
Reports said the suspects and the victim had a heated argument regarding their resort bill, resulting in the shooting.
The victim’s relatives are in the United States. – Report from Mark Magdrila, ABS-CBN News Ilocos



Billy was one of the former partners at Willie Pigs and was currently involved with the Golden Garter. For a short while he was the promo guy for Lollipop/Treasure Island.

He was quite outspoken about the problems surrounding Willie Pigs and his life after the restaurant closed.



At around lunch time yesterday, police found the body of William Henry Miller, an American national with business ventures in Angeles City, at a service road between a watermelon plantation in Barangay Capaya in this city.

Elements of Police Station 3 (near City Hall) led by station commander PCI Romeo P. Castro found the victim lying face-down on the road with his right foot jammed under a black motorcycle, and the body having sustained multiple gunshot wounds. The victim was confirmed as Miller through a copy of the OR & CR of said motorcycle.

Allegedly, Miller was on his way to meet his business partner Tschai Shun Ma, a Dutch national, at their furniture factory in Barangay Capaya. On his way, he was intercepted by two unidentified gunmen on board a black Honda TMX motorcycle who shot Miller from behind. One witness, a security guard, was first at the location after he had heard successive gun shots nearby. Another witness, a local “Bantay Bayan” or barangay police, meanwhile hurried to the location after a passerby motorist reported a possible hit-and-run victim lying on the road.

Miller’s body was brought to Galang Funeral Parlor along MacArthur Highway in Dau, Mabalacat. Police are currently investigating the case and, while the motive is still to be determined, it is likely business-related. Miller was the former marketing manager for Eruptions Bar along Perimeter Road some years back. He left Eruptions and later became part of a group behind Willie Pigs Bar.




Billy’s Partner linked to disappearance of British Partner in Sept



A trip report written by Miller just before his death


ANGELES CITY — An American businessman was shot and killed by two gunmen in Barangay Capaya here on Thursday.

Police identified the victim as William Miller, 44, an American national, of Don Junicio, this town.

Miller was on his way to his factory in the said village on board his black SYM motorcycle when the suspects assaulted him.

Reports said the victim, who sustained six gunshot wounds on the head and body, was supposed to meet his business partner identified as Chai Sun Ma at their factory.

Police investigators recovered from the crime scene the victim’s belongings including a wristwatch, a mobile phone, P1,510 in cash, and three spent shells and a deformed slug from a 9mm pistol.

Senior Superintendent Danilo Bautista, city police director, said that they are conducting a follow-up investigation to establish the identity of the suspects and the motive behind the killing.

 SOURCE: Sun Star Pampanga

posted by JC on 2010-12-19

For the latest Angeles City news see:




CLARK FREEPORT – If the mountains of North America have Bigfoot, Mt. Pinatubo in Central Luzon has emerged with its Barefoot who is now being hunted by both soldiers and policemen on the slopes of the volcano.

Guy Hilbero, tourism officer of Mabalacat, Pampanga, christened as �Barefoot� the suspect in what he described as a �historic holdup� of three young British nationals on the slopes of Mt. Pinatubo at about 8:30 a.m. last Sunday.

�In the 15-year history of trekking to the crater-lake of Mt. Pinatubo, it was the first holdup of tourists to happen on the slopes. In that sense, the holdup was historic and it was an embarrassment for our tourism industry, � Hilbero lamented.

He identified the victims as British nationals Peter Turner and his sister Selma Turner and their friend David Padfield, all in their early 20�s. The turners are Eurasians vacationing with relatives of the Filipino mother in San Felipe, Zambales.

�It was the first such incident since I initiated trekking to the summit of Mt. Pinatubo 15 years ago as a tourist attraction,� Hilbero said. The two-kilometer wide lake on the crater was formed when the summit of the volcano collapsed during its eruption in 1991. Treks to the volcanic summit have become a major tourist attraction in Central Luzon since then.

The three victims set for the trek to the crater at about 5 a.m. last Sunday. About 100 foreign and domestic tourists were bound for the trek that day, although they went in separate groups, each with a local guide.

Hilbero said the trek, which he also joined with a separate group, started at the tourism center in Barangay Sta. Juliana in Capas, Tarlac where the trekkers hired a four-wheel powered jeep which travelled one and a half hours to the slopes. In an area no longer accessible to vehicles, the tourists started their trek on foot that was supposed to last two hours up to the summit.

�We were already climbing on foot for about half an hour when we saw the British youths, who were ahead of us by about half a kilometer, rushing back to us shouting they were held up,� he recalled.

The victims, who had a guide named Jun Salazar, said the lone holdupper, wielding what seemed to be an improvised pistol,  suddenly jumped from a rock in front of them and announced the holdup.  They were immediately told to throw their bags away and lie on their stomachs.

They said that when the suspect had collected their bags, the suspect told them to run away as fast as they could, as he fired one shot into the air.

The victims lost two Canon cameras worth some P75,000 each, one digital camera, P10,000 cash, three iPad tablets, signature sunglasses, and a Timex watch.

Hilbero said investigators who later responded to the incident referred to the suspect as Barefoot. �Ground prints at the site of the holdup indicated that the suspect was barefoot. The victims said he also wore fatigue uniform with matching hat,�

Hilbero said that the victim�s Filipino guide could not say whether the suspect was an Aeta, although he described him as �short and dark complexioned.�

Responding Philippine Air Force soldiers and barangay officials from Sta. Juliana, led by its chairman Salvador de los Reyes, failed to track down Barefoot, although they theorized that the suspect could have had company as indicated by camping leftovers near the holdup site.

Despite the incident, the tourists decided to go on with their climb to Mt. Pinatubo�s lake where Hilbero treated them to a free boat ride. After the trek, the victims were also treated to free meals and a reimbursement of the P1,500 fee each paid for the hiring of the jeep, tourist guide fee, and the meal. Hilbero also lent them P3,000 of his personal funds to enable them to go back to Zambales where they have been staying since they arrived a week ago.

Hilbero asked yesterday Brig Gen. Fred Payawan, commander of the 600th airbase wing here, to help track down Barefoot.

�I know the terrain, and I am sure Barefoot is still there somewhere and would not be able to leave except through the western side of the slopes. We will catch him,� he assured the victims.


DOT asks police, military to protect Pinatubo crater tourists

MABALACAT, Pampanga � The regional office of the Dept. of Tourism (DOT) has asked the police and the Philippine Air Force to help protecting foreign and local tourists hiking the crater of Pinatubo volcano.

This developed after three British nationals, along with their Filipino tour guide, were held up last January 9 by an Aeta while on their way to the Pinatubo volcano�s crater, a popular tourist destination among backpackers.

A police report states that Selina Turner, 25; Peter Turner, 27; and David Padfield, 26; were hiking with their tour guide, June Salazar, 46, towards the volcano�s crater in Sta. Juliana village, Capas, Tarlac when an Aeta armed with an homemade handgun emerged from the bushes and declared a hold-up.

The still unidentified Aeta took the foreigner�s three backpacks containing three digital cameras, three wristwatches, two I-phones, some P10,000 in cash, and clothes.

�We are also now closely coordinating with the local chief executive of Capas, Tarlac, Mayor TJ Rodriguez, regarding the security and safety status of the route to Mt. Pinatubo via Barangay Sta. Juliana,� DOT Central Luzon Director Ronaldo Tiotuico said on Thursday.

�The local PNP and the Philippine Air Force are now in hot pursuit of the suspects who held up three Britons while on their way to the crater,� he added.

Tiotuico, who described the hold-up incident as �an isolated one,� said the three Britons, who came from Zambales province, were provided with clothes and overnight accommodation by Capas municipal tourism officer Marissa Vidal.

�Ms. Vidal took care of the victims by providing them clothes, overnight accommodation and even a complementary body splash at the Korean spa town. She assisted them in going back home to their province in Zambales the day after the incident,� he said.

Tiotuico said the DOT, with the assistance of the police, the Air Force and the local government of Capas, will implement �strict safety and security measure� for foreign and local tourists wanting to scale the heights of Mt. Pinatubo.�

PO2 Fidel Zipagan, who conducted the investigation on the robbery of the British nationals, said the hold-up took place around 8:00 a.m., several minutes after the victims arrived at the Quadra 4X4 Station in Sta. Juliana village.

He said the armed Aeta ordered the three foreigners and their Filipino guide to take their backpacks off and lay down on the ground.

The victims said the Aeta pointed his gun at Salazar and pulled the trigger but the gun did not go off. This gave the victims the opportunity to flee. When they were about 100 meters away from the still unidentified suspect, they saw him fired his gun, prompting them to continue running until they met another group of tourists.

Local policemen, accompanied by Air Force personnel and village officials, tried to pursue the suspect but failed to locate and arrest him.


Security for Pinatubo explorers

It is a big shame on the part of tourism and local authorities as three Britons were reportedly help-up last Sunday by an Aeta on their way to Mt. Pinatubo. Many foreigners and local tourists will now be having second thoughts on conquering this famous volcano primarily due to security reasons.

This incident will definitely be a big blow on our local tourism industry. What transpired simply indicates that government has no security measures or plans on how to assure the safety of tourists trailing Mt. Pinatubo.

Here is the problem�the government is more concerned on promoting tourism undertakings, like the Pinatubo tour, but obviously it does not have lucid plans as to the security of travelers. First and foremost, tourists consider their safety above their curiosity to see wonders of nature.

Many innocent Aetas will eventually be affected by the criminal act perpetrated by one of their peers in the Pinatubo area. Anticipate tourists to distance themselves from Aetas for fear of experiencing robbery nightmare.

The government must do something to prevent the occurrence of similar incidents in the future for it to erase the stigma that it is relatively unsafe to travel to the Philippines. Mt. Pinatubo is fast shaping up as one of the favorite eco-tourism sites in the region. Let us put security measures to make sure that tourists will enjoy its beauty without getting the risk of losing their precious belongings or jeopardizing their personal safety.

SOURCE: Central Luzon Daily

posted by JC on 2011-01-14

For the latest Angeles City news see:

British robbed, killed in Cabanatuan City

British robbed, killed in Cabanatuan City
By Armand M. Galang


Jan 03, 2011


CABANATUAN CITY – A British national was found dead with two bullet wounds in his body hours before he reportedly went to a videoke bar before dawn on Friday.

Supt. Eliseo Cruz, city police chief, said a manhunt operation is on-going against the killer of Graham Paul Bayley, 58, British national, with Filipina wife and resident of De Guzman Subd., barangay Bantug Norte this city.

Investigation disclosed that the victim went to Shiro KTV Bar along Nueva Ecija-Aurora Road on the eve of Dec. 30.

But witnesses said he left the bar at about 3:30 a.m. of Dec. 31.

Cruz said initial investigation shows robbery as the motive behind the killing. He noted that the victim’s wallet was missing.

Scene of the crime operatives recovered two empty shells from cal. 45 pistol from the crime scene.

Cruz said operatives are now running after a resident of San Nicolas Subd., also of Bantug Norte. He was tagged as the possible culprit.

British Shoot dead in Angeles

Another foreigner killed near Marquee Mall

Tuesday, September 21

Around 2:00 PM today, a foreign national has been gunned down in Don Bonifacio Subdivision, Brgy. Pulung Maragul in this city.

Bruce Anthony Jones, a 50-year old British national was shot by two unidentified suspects aboard a motorcycle not 50 meters away from Mountain Clark Firing Range. The victim was driving his car with his wife, Maricel Aramay, who was wounded and in the shooting. Both were heading to Mountain Clark Firing Range to visit a friend after a lunch at Marquee Mall when their vehicle was fired upon by the suspects who fled to an unknown direction.

Jones was a Ship Captain and resident of Brgy. New Cabalan, Olongapo City. Initial investigation has indicated that the murder was likely planned and may be linked to the victim’s involvement in the confiscation of illegal firearms in another province sometime a year ago.

As of the moment, it seems likely that this murder is in no way connected to the shooting of a US retired cop, James Basham, at Pampang market last Sunday.

American shot dead in Philippines

September 21, 2010


Gunmen fatally shot an American man and a Filipino woman in the southern Philippines for unknown reasons, police say.

Two assailants opened fire on a passenger minibus in southern Iligan city’s Mahayahay village on Monday, police said on Tuesday.

The American and a Filipino woman were killed and another Filipino woman was wounded.

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Police identified the American as 41-year-old Steven Kindy from Michigan. Daraba says Kindy was shot six times.

Kindy’s Filipino girlfriend was unhurt in the attack.

Police said Kindy appeared to be the target of the attack but the motive was not immediately known.

Hired killers in the Philippines often shoot their victims while riding motorcycles, using the helmets to hide their identities.

American shot dead

Sunday, September 19, 2010

ANGELES CITY – An American national was shot and killed early Sunday at a public market here, despite heightened police drive against the spate of killings of foreign nationals in the city.

James Kermit Basham, 63, was shot by two unidentified suspects onboard a Honda TMX motorcycle around 7:30 a.m. The victim was about to board his motorcycle parked at the Pampang Public Market when shot, police said.

Police said Basham succumbed to a lone bullet wound in the body. Investigation is ongoing to unmask the suspects.

Basham’s death came two months after three foreign national were killed by a serial killer.

American Geoffrey Allan Bennun, Briton James Bolton Porter, and retired US Air Force Albert Mitchell were killed after they were robbed of their personal belongings by suspect by Mark Dizon.

Dizon was arrested and is facing robbery and murder charges.

After the arrest of suspect Dizon, the local government here assured foreigners and Angeleños of their safety.

Briton, 64, gunned down

A British man who owned a South Philippines beach resort was shot dead in front of his wife by thieves.

Anthony Nicholas, 64, died in a hail of bullets when he refused to stop his motorised tricycle for armed men.

They fired on him as he rode past, riddling his body with further shots as he lay on the floor.

Mr Nicholas’s killing was witnessed by his wife Judith who handed over shop takings to the men near the resort they operated called Hijoe Beach in Sipalay, Negros.

Anthony NicholasVictim: Anthony Nicholas, 64, was shot dead by thieves in front of his wife Judith near the beach that he owned in Sipalay, southern Philippines

The couple’s son James was visiting from London and raced to the scene from their nearby farmhouse.

The 28-year-old, from Pinner, London, said: ‘My father drove through a hail of bullets and then they shot him in the back. When he collapsed they emptied their guns into his body.

‘My father had driven on to protect my mother and her assistant but he died almost immediately.’

Mr Nicholas said his father was part-owner of ‘Hijoe Beach and that he was known locally as ‘Hi Joe!’.

There had been a dispute over the beach but there was no evidence to connect the beach to the shooting.

The computer games expert spoke today as his mother and her assistant were treated for shock  and police began a hunt for the murderers.

Speaking from Matlag Farmhouse nestled in the hills just above Sipalay city, he added: ‘My father had been coming here for 40 years and fell in love and married my mother here. He had a resort a shop and a farmhouse.

Anthony NicholasIdylic: The farmhouse owned by Anthony Nicholas where his son James was staying when the killers struck

‘He had a routine. Everyday he would go down to the beach resort and return in the evening picking up my mother and her assistant and the day’s takings from the shop.

‘He was driving home in their motorised tricycle and side car when they were waved down.

‘They were already on our land. Dad drove straight on and the robbers opened fire then shot him in his back when they passed. He collapsed and fell over.

‘The robbers approached and demanded any cell phones, so the police could not be called. My mother shouted to her assistant “Give them the money”, which was just the days takings from the shop.

‘The robbers ran off when they heard the sound of another vehicle approaching.

‘I was at the house and heard the commotion. I had come to visit on my way from London to Japan to take up a job there. ‘

Philippines killingShot dead: Anthony Nicholas, 64, was killed by gunmen near a beach he owned in Negros, Philippines. (File picture)

Mr Nicholas said his older brother Anjo, 30, had had to leave his new job and was flying out from London and his younger sister Joan, 23, would be following on later.

‘My father loved it here. In days gone by it used to be a little bit scary because there was a lot of activity by the NPA – the communist New People’s Army,’ he added.

‘But there has been no trouble since the 2007 amnesty. There has been a minor dispute over the ownership of a local beach, but at the moment this appears to be just an opportunist act.’

Sipalay Mayor Oscar Montilla, however, said the Nicolas’ killing was isolated and was not expected to affect Sipalay’s tourism industry.

The area has become a popular new tourist resort since the government gave communist guerrillas an amnesty three years ago – with pristine beaches and excellent diving conditions.

Briton slain in Internet love triangle

A British man who went to the Philippines to propose to a woman he met in an Internet chat room was stabbed to death by her jealous lover on Sunday, police said.

John Lorne McDonald’s would-be bride, Nanqueen Romero, 31, also sustained multiple wounds after being attacked by her Filipino lover, police said in a statement.

McDonald organised a party at Romero’s home to ask for her hand in marriage, police said, but it was not clear if she had told him about her Filipino boyfriend, Anselmo Locastales, who turned up and attacked the couple.

Locastales is on the run, police said.

The British Embassy could not be reached Sunday and no personal details about McDonald were immediately available.

Impoverished Philippine women often use matchmaking websites to find foreign husbands in the hope of escaping the country for a better life.

Amerikaner und Frau und 3 Angestellte erschossen

An American national and four members of his household were shot dead in what police suspected to be a robbery case in Angeles City in Pampanga Thursday noon, the local city police chief said.

Angeles City police director Supt. Danilo Bautista identified the victims as Albert Mitchell, a retired US Air Force personnel, his Filipina wife Jeanette Androneda, househelpers Isabel Fajardo and Marissa Prado, and a certain Boy Vergara of Dau in Mabalacat town in Pampanga.

The incident occurred at Mitchell’s house in Hensonville Court Subdivision in Malabanias village, at around 1:30 pm, Bautista said.

Initial investigation showed that a man entered the subdivision at around 12 noon and went out carrying several items.

Security guard Angelito Prado, brother of one of the victims, Marissa, discovered the bodies, who bore gunshot wounds from a 9-mm pistol.

Prado told police he had asked a fellow guard not to allow the man to leave the subdivision while he checked on Mitchell’s house, just about 50 meters away from the guardhouse, as he suspected something was wrong.

Prado rushed back to the guardhouse after discovering the crime, but the suspect was already on board a tricycle.

The suspect got off at the nearby Marisol village, according to the tricycle driver, but police authorities were unable to track him down.

Police recovered on the scene a white sack-like container with Mitchell’s belongings, such as a wallet, computer accessories and a DVD player.

According to Bautista, it appears that the victims knew the lone suspect as there were no signs of forced entry.

“Scene of the crime operatives are presently conducting crime scene investigation. Manhunt operation is being conducted by our office,” Bautista said.—JMA/JV, GMANews.TV

Canadian, partner found dead in Angeles City

ANGELES CITY, Pampanga – A 60-year-old Canadian and his Filipina live-in partner were found dead inside their house in Barangay (village) Anunas here on Monday, police said Tuesday.

The decomposing bodies of Geoffrey Allan Bennun and Abegail Helina, 20, were discovered only after security guards of the Oasis Hotel and Villas smelled foul odor coming from the couple’s house.

Chief Inspector Luisito Tan, commander of the Angeles police’s Station 4 here, said empty shells from a 9-millimeter pistol were recovered near Bennun’s body. He said the bodies “have signs of injuries and foul play.”

Tan, however, could not give details on the nature of the injuries as police had not received the results of the autopsy.

Brite erstochen

A BRITISH national was stabbed and killed in Baguio City by a local resident, who reportedly  resented the way the foreigner was demonstrating to his drinking partners how to kill a person with  bare hands last Saturday, police said.

Carl Roy Middleton was stabbed several times  and died while being taken to the Baguio City General Hospital and Medical Center past 7 p.m., Cordillera Police Regional Office director, Chief Supt. Villamor Bumanglag, said.

An investigation showed that Middleton, a temporary resident of Lexberville Subdivision in Balabac, Baguio City was having a drink with a group of Filipinos inside the Tayao Lodge located at Kilometer 5, Marcos Highway in Sto. Tomas proper.

While they were drinking, the victim showed his listeners how to kill a man using one’s bare hands.

Lodge manager Badongen Balagbag said this demonstration apparently upset Eddie Tabara,  a resident of Pitlawan Compound, Dontogan Green Valley, who overheard and saw what Middleton was doing.

Balagbag said Tabara later embraced Middleton and stabbed him repeatedly before fleeing on foot around 7:15 p.m.

Police have questioned Middleton drinking partners — Nardo Pitas and Orlando Timango — about the crime.

Deutsch-Italiener in Makati ermordet


Es ist 7.30 Uhr als Sergio Mazza (38) seine Wohnung im vornehmen Shang Grand Tower in Manila verlässt. Der Berliner ist am Donnerstag auf dem Weg zur Arbeit. Im nur wenige Hundert Meter entfernten Luxushotel „Shangri-La Makati“ ist der gut aussehende Deutsche als Manager für den Restaurantbereich beschäftigt.

Auf der Straße tritt Sergio Mazza ein Mann mit Basecap entgegen, reißt eine Waffe mit Schalldämpfer hoch und schießt ihm dreimal in den Kopf. Sergio Mazza stirbt noch auf dem Weg ins Krankenhaus.

„Das war ein Profikiller. Wir können einen Raubüberfall als Motiv ausschließen, da wir bei dem Opfer nach der Tat noch sein Handy sowie rund 20 000 Pesos (rund 350 Euro) gefunden haben“, erklärt der ermittelnde Polizeibeamte Froilan Bonifacio. Und weiter: „Derzeit gehen wir davon aus, dass der Grund für den Mord im privaten Bereich zu finden ist.“

So soll Mazza eine heimliche Beziehung zu Mai Lee Ang (23) gehabt haben. Auf den Philippinen ist das Dessousmodel ein heiß begehrter Star. Auch Sergio Mazza (38) soll von der asiatischen Schönheit, die unter dem Künstlernamen Gwen Garci mehrere Model-Wettbewerbe gewonnen hat, begeistert gewesen sein, sie mehrfach getroffen haben.

In einem Internetforum mutmaßt ein Freund: „Gwen Garci hat hier einige mächtige Freunde, die haben die Freundschaft zwischen ihr und Sergio wohl nicht so gern gesehen.“

MANILA, Philippines – Police will invite for questioning the eight reported girlfriends of a German hotel executive who was shot dead as he was walking to work in Makati City Thursday morning, an official said yesterday.

National Capital Region Police Office (NCRPO) chief Director Roberto Rosales said initial investigation showed the girlfriends of Sergio Mazza, 38, could have had something to do with his death.

“We found out that the victim is maintaining eight girlfriends at the same time. That is why we are zeroing in on the love affair angle in our investigation of his killing,” Rosales in an interview.

He directed Makati City police chief Senior Superintendent Froilan Bonifacio to invite for investigation Mazza’s eight alleged girlfriends.

Makati City police investigators are digging deeper into the case while the NCRPO is assisting them, said Rosales.Earlier, Bonifacio told The STAR that based on the accounts they have gathered, Mazza seemed to have multiple relationships with women.

“We’re zeroing on that. He had lots of women and the investigation boils down on his personal life involving these affairs,” Bonifacio said.He, however, said they are still trying to corroborate witnesses’ accounts.Mazza, assistant executive food and beverage manager of the Shangri-La Hotel, was shot in the face at close range by a gunman with a .22 caliber pistol at the corner of De la Rosa and Perea Streets at about 7:30 a.m. Thursday.

A witness said the gunman boarded a taxi where a woman was waiting for him, police said.

According to Bonifacio, Mazza’s co-workers at the hotel claimed that the victim was very warm and friendly and did not have any known enemies.

Police already ruled out robbery as the motive because Mazza’s belongings, including the P20,000 in his wallet and BlackBerry mobile phone, were untouched.

Rosales hopes the statements of Mazza’s girlfriends would help solve the case.

“We expect to make arrests in due time,” the NCRPO chief said.

Bonifacio said they are going through footage taken by closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras installed in establishments near the crime scene.

“We will probably give you feedback” by noon today, he said.

Bonifacio said Mazza’s killer “could be a gun for hire because he knew what to do and knew there is a CCTV camera in the area… He even checked whether he had killed the victim before boarding the taxi.” – With Jose Rodel Clapano

Foreign nationals targeted in Makati

June 23, 2010
A string of cases has been transpiring in Makati City, and it seems as if foreign nationals are the unfavorable targets.

With the Makati Shangri-La food and beverage executive Sergio Mazza shot dead last Thursday, a Canadian citizen named Louis Maxwill Viesca Giliusk was abducted that same day around 2:15 in the afternoon at Timezone, Greenbelt 3.

Meanwhile, French national Charles Zani became a victim of theft also that day. He reported to the Makati City police that his iPhone was stolen.

Moreover, Australian national John Anthony Merrill also reported to the police station that he became a victim of a con just this Monday. Merrill was standing idly at Landmark when an unidentified man approached him. The man asked for his help to get his cousin to work as a nurse in Australia. They sat in a coffee shop and the man even showed him his family picture. Merrill agreed to help the man and his cousin by searching for a job in the Internet.

The man admitted to not knowing how to work the Internet, so Merrill agreed to talk to him again after finishing his shopping. When they met again at the agreed time, the man was not there but instead Merrill met the cousin.

The cousin had Merrill ride a taxi and they went to a house in San Andres, Manila. When they got there, the cousin introduced Merrill to his brother. They forced him to play cards with an initial USD 5,000 deposit. A Chinese also played with them and the men told Merrill to shell out USD 27,000 to see the Chinese’s card.

Merrill insisted he had no such money with him and even showed them his wallet. But afraid that something bad might happen, he gave them his 18k gold chain and Php 1,000.

While he was reporting the said crime at the Makati police station, Merrill received a life-threatening text message. The text demanded Php 50,000 from him, otherwise his life would be at stake.

U.S. national Dante Marzetta also received a life-threatening text message last Sunday. Marzetta is a retired military captain. The text message warned him to stay away from a certain Mariz Pineda, or else he will be slain.

Marzetta also received a life-threatening telephone call on that day. The caller even said that he has all sorts of information about Marzetta and it would be easy to find him.

The Makati City police have reported all cases under investigation.

    Deutscher erschossen

    BACOLOD CITY, Philippines—A 68-year-old German national died from a gunshot wound during a fight with his 34-year-old wife in the couple’s home in Murcia, Negros Occidental Tuesday.

    Senior Superintendent Manuel Felix, provincial police director of Negros Occidental, said he has ordered a thorough investigation into the death of Ewald Jaehrling, who allegedly shot himself with a 12-guage shotgun, in Barangay Blumentritt.

    Felix said the bullet entered the victim’s neck and exited through the back of his head.

    Chief Inspector Simeon Gane, Murcia police chief, in his report to Felix, said the altercation between Jaehrling and his wife Melanie was reported immediately by one Charlen Chapon to the police.

    The Murcia policemen, who responded to the call for assistance, found Jaerhling already dead.

    Melanie claimed she had a brief scuffle with her husband for the possession of the firearm when it went off.

    Police have recovered a spent shell and the gun loaded with two rounds of ammunition.

    Jaehrling’s body was brought to the Rolling Hills Funeral Homes in Bacolod City for autopsy.

    German national in Bukidnon dies after being beaten up, robbed


    A German national died after being beaten up and robbed in Talakag town in Bukidnon on Wednesday.

    Police are looking for clues leading to the suspects in the killing of trader Bolan Buller, 60, Radio dzXL reported.

    The incident occurred at Buller’s house at Barangay 3 in Talakag town in Bukidnon. Buller later succumbed to bruises in different parts of the body.

    Initial investigation showed unidentified armed men barged into the victim’s house and tied his hands and feet, then beat him up.

    Neighbors rushed him to a hospital but he was declared dead on arrival.

    Schweizer auf Philippinen erschossen

    Richard R. (70) und seine Frau S.* lebten auf den Philippinen in Saus und Braus. Sie wohnten in der Nähe von Manila in einem Traumhaus, besassen Miethäuser, viel Land sowie diverse Autos und Motorräder. Die Philippina S. hatte einen Chauffeur und drei Hausmädchen. «Sie lebte von Richis Reichtum und protzte gerne damit», sagt Richards guter Freund A.K.* Oft habe sie dicke, goldene Halsketten und an jedem Finger einen Ring getragen.

    So auch am späten Nachmittag des 12. Mai. Das Ehepaar sass laut S. draussen, als zwei Männer mit einem Töff vorfuhren, ihr eine Pistole an den Kopf hielten und den Schmuck entreissen wollten. Richard, der kräftige, ehemalige Landwirt, soll die Räuber darauf angegriffen und einem dabei den Arm gebrochen haben. Die Täter hätten ihn dann mit zwei Schüssen ins Bein und in die Brust getötet. Aus­ser S. gibt es keine Zeugen.

    Schweizer Freunde von Richard zweifeln an dieser Version der Geschichte. Sie glauben, der Schwyzer sei gezielt umgebracht worden. Das Paar habe in letzter Zeit schlimm gestritten, weil er zurück in die Schweiz habe ziehen wollen, wo er ein Haus, viel Land und teure Oldtimer besass. Nur: «Richi war abhängig von seiner Frau, die das ganze Vermögen verwaltete», so A.K. Laut Freund M.L.* soll er vor kurzem gesagt haben, dass er sich bedroht fühle. Doch sie habe ihm kein Geld fürs Flugticket gegeben. Bruder Ludwig R. kann es nicht fassen: «Richard war so ein lieber Mensch. Es ist eine Tragödie.»

    Fil-Canadian and his Slovenian girlfriend killed

    MANILA, Philippines—A Filipino-Canadian and his Slovenian live-in partner, both film critics and fans of Philippine independent films, were shot dead on Tuesday night by robbers a new housemaid had helped get into his house in Quezon City.

    Police identified the victims as Fil-Canadian Alexis Tioseco, 29, and Nika Bohinc, 30.

    Both died on the spot, said Chief Inspector Benjamin Elenzano, head of the homicide investigation unit of the Quezon City Police District (QCPD).

    The pair just arrived in the house at 39 Times St. in Barangay (village) West Triangle when they were gunned down by three armed men they caught in the act of looting their things at around 10:30 p.m., police said.

    Police said the robbers were in cahoots with the victims’ maid identified as Criselda Gesman Dayag, 45, who is from Zamboanga del Sur province.

    “It was Criselda who brought the armed men to the house and also helped them in their escape using the couple’s vehicle,” police said.

    Investigation showed that the maid was hired by the couple in March.

    aus inquirer

    American killed in Lapu-Lapu City

    An American national was killed in an apparently robbery case inside his own house in Lapu-Lapu City in Cebu, a radio report said Thursday.Radio dzXL reported that si George Harold Bujnowski, who was married to a Filipino woman, was found dead in his house at Sitio Camansi in Gun-ob village.

    Police are still groping for clues on who assaulted Bujnowski, a native of Massachusetts state. The victim sustained stab wounds in different parts of the body.

    Investigator-on-case PO3 Candido Barinque said the victim’s wife said some P300,000 inside a cabinet in his room was missing.

    The victim’s Filipino wife, who the report did not name, said she discovered her husband’s body after returning from the local mall  aus:  GMANews.TV

    Kanadier nach Drogenrazzia erschossen

    A Canadian national tagged as the top supplier of capsulized ecstasy in the country was slain by anti-narcotics operatives in a pre-dawn shootout in a posh subdivision in Quezon City, Friday.

    Derrick Carreon, spokesman of the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA), identified the foreign suspect as Antonio Kcompt.

    Carreon said PDEA agents killed Kcompt in a shootout on Giraffe Street, Greenmeadows Subdivision around 3 a.m.

    The PDEA spokesman said agents rushed to the subdivision after receiving information that there was an ongoing ecstasy transaction.

    He said Kcompt, who was on board a BMW-6 series, fired his gun upon seeing the responding PDEA agents. The Canadian national was slain during the shootout.

    Carreon said the PDEA has been monitoring Kcompt, a member of the famous motorcycle club Hell’s Angels, for the last two years due to reports that he was a big supplier of a new form of ecstasy.

    Seized from Kcompt’s BMW were more than 100 capsules of ecstasy, some cash, several documents and identification cards bearing the logo of the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI).

    Amerikanischer Arzt ermordet

    In Tagaytay  wurde ein pensionierter Arzt aus USA von zwei Räubern in seinem Haus ermordet. Seine philippinische Ehefrau wurde schwer verletzt. Gelebt hatte der Arzt und seine Frau in einer vornehmen Subdivision.

    2 robbers kill American doctor in Tagaytay

    Tagaytay City — A retired American doctor was killed last Monday by two robbers who broke into his house in this city, it was learned from a belated police report.

    The doctor’s wife, a Filipina, was seriously wounded in the attack.

    Supt. Joseph Salom Javier, Tagaytay City police chief, identified the dead victim as Dr. Frank Joseph Michalski, 70, retired virologist, of 10 Walnut St., Southridge subdivision, Barangay Sungay West, this city.

    Wounded was Michalski’s wife, Dr. Amy Pineda-Michalski, 70, retired biochemist. Joseph, who suffered multiple knife wounds, died on the spot.

    Amy, who suffered wounds in the hands and body, was brought to the Tagaytay City Medical Center.

    Initial investigation conducted by Police Officer 3 Roel G. Paiton, officer-on-case, showed that the Michalskis were attacked at about 8:45 p.m. last Monday.

    The Michalski family lives in a plush subdivision in Tagaytay City, the No. 1 tourist destination in Cavite. Javier said that the Michalski killing is the first heinous crime here in years. Major crime cases seldom happen in the city, he said.

    The police chief said his men are looking for the two men who broke into the Michalski residence.

    aus: MB

    American tourist stabbed to death

    ANGELES CITY — A 30-year-old American tourist was stabbed to death by a vendor in front of the 7-11 convenience store along Fields Avenue in Barangay Balibago here around 3 a.m. Thursday.

    Chief Inspector Ronaldo Lorenzo, commander of Police Station 4 here, identified the fatality as Thomas Michael Thorpe, a retired US Navy personnel from New York City who was temporarily staying at a hotel here.

    The suspect was identified as Richard David, 23, who repeatedly stabbed the American with a 10-inch butterfly knife in various parts of the body during their fistfight.

    Policemen who responded to the commotion were able to arrest David, whom they saw was still holding the knife while the victim was sprawled on the pavement with blood oozing from his stab wounds.

    The suspect tried to escape but was apprehended by the policemen.

    Investigation showed that the suspect and the victim had an argument and eventually traded punches. At the height of the brawl, David pulled a butterfly knife and stabbed Thorpe on the chest, neck, and left side of the abdomen.

    The victim was rushed to the Ospital Ning Angeles but he was pronounced dead on arrival by attending physicians. (Jun A. Malig)

    aus:    sunstar

    Norweger ermordet

    Norwegian stabbed dead

    CEBU CITY, Philippines — A 51-year-old Norwegian national died early Monday after he was stabbed by one of four persons who claimed they were taken hostage by the foreigner inside the latter’s house in Consolacion town, 13 kilometers north of Cebu City.

    Nils Aksnes Frodei Stein, who was living with his nine-year-old daughter in a subdivision in Jugan, Consolacion, was pronounced dead on arrival at the Eversley Childs Sanitarium and Hospital in Mandaue City, after the alleged hostage-taking and stabbing at 4:30 a.m.

    Senior Police Officer 1 Ricardo Ermac, investigator of the Consolacion Police station, said a 16-year-old girl admitted to having struck the Norwegian with an empty bottle and then stabbing him several times during an attempt to overpower the foreigner, who was holding a .38 caliber revolver.

    The other suspects included Nisil Ceriales, 35, who is the only man among the four visitors; his aunt Cheril Nocete, 38; and her 12-year-old daughter. All four were residents of Dumaguete City.

    Nocete said in a radio interview that she knew Stein through her nephew, Ceriales, and that she came to Cebu because the Norwegian asked her to bring her daughter so that his nine-year-old child would have a playmate.

    She explained that both children knew each other when Stein and his daughter were staying in a rented house in Dumaguete City, where she had worked part-time as a house cleaner.

    Ermac said they were still verifying the claim of the four that they killed the Norwegian after he held them hostage for unclear reasons.

    Ermac said the police were set to file murder charges against the suspects.

    aus: Inquirer

    und hier: PhilStar

    British citizen killed in Aklan

    MANILA – A 60-year-old British citizen was killed in Kalibo in Aklan province after his throat was slit by still-unidentfied suspects Sunday. Paul Anthony Roberts was found dead inside his home in Barangay Canigao in Kalibo, after police were tipped off about the crime. The body was discovered by police Sunday. Amy Roberts, the wife of the victim, was rushed to the local hospital after the discovery of the body. Initial investigation showed that robbery was a possible motive for the crime, after police discovered that the couple’s jewelry and cash worth nearly P100,000 went missing. Investigation into the crime is ongoing. The couple arrived in Aklan back in 1999, where they decided to live. With a report from John Mark Guda, ABS-CBN Iloilo

    und hier noch ein Bericht : Aklanforum

    Deutscher in Cebu erstochen

    A 68-year-old German man was stabbed to death by an unidentified attacker at his residence in the central Philippines, a police report said Friday. Herman Kruse was watching tv with his Filipino wife at their house in Daan Bantayan town in Cebu province, 585 kilometres south of Manila, when the attack occurred late Wednesday. “The victim and his Filipino wife were watching TV at their house when they noticed that their dog was continuously barking, prompting the victim to go outside and investigate,” the report said. The attacker stabbed Kruse in the stomach as soon as he opened the door, it added. Investigators said the attacker fled after the stabbing. Kruse died while being treated at a nearby hospital.

    aus earth times

    Australian shot dead in Philippines


    An Australian man has been shot dead in the central Philippines by a local man while drinking at a bar, police say.

    Australian Jim Burney, 67, who lived at a beach resort in Tangalan town on Panay island, was drinking with a woman late yesterday when a man shot him dead with a home-made shotgun, a police report said on Tuesday.

    The suspect, Pedrito Carlos, 35, was arrested after he crashed the motorcycle he fled on, the report added.

    Police said it was believed Mr Carlos acted out of jealousy after he saw the woman, believed to be his girlfriend, drinking with Burney.

    The police report said Mr Carlos was having a drink at a different table then approached Mr Burney and shot him without any provocation.

    Mr Burney suffered two gunshot wounds to the head and died on the spot, the report said.

    aus thewest

    German national shot dead in QC

    A German national was shot and killed near his house in Barangay Sta. Cruz, Quezon City, Friday morning.

    Police said Martin Kessler, 46, a businessman, was walking to his home along General Lim Street, Heroes’ Hill, Barangay Sta. Cruz before 6 a.m. when two unidentified men shot him.

    Investigators said that according to some witnesses, the gunmen approached the already unconscious Kessler and fire two more shots.

    The victim died of gunshot wounds to the head and body.

    Police said the assailants could have been among the three employees sacked by the German national.

    aus ABSCNN

    MANILA, Philippines – A German executive of a software company was shot dead yesterday morning by two gunmen in front of a residential building in Quezon City.

    Police said Martin Kessler, 46, died on the spot due to multiple gunshot wounds he sustained from a handgun.

    According to a police report, Kessler got out of his apartment unit at the LZL Apartelle around 5:45 a.m. and was on his way to his car, parked 50 meters away from the building.

    The gunmen followed Kessler. One of the suspects pulled out a gun and shot Kessler in the head. When the victim fell, the two men approached the victim and shot him several more times. Witnesses said the suspects then walked away.

    Authorities initially set aside robbery as a motive as the suspects reportedly did not get anything from the victim.

    Police said Kessler and an American national own a software company operating in the Philippines, and the victim had recently fired six employees from the firm.

    Investigators are checking if this report could be linked to Kessler’s death.

    aus PHILSTAR

    Belgier erschiesst Frau und dann sich…

    Belgian shoots wife, then kills self

    Philippines – A 60-year-old Belgian national shot and killed his Filipina wife before committing suicide in Iguig, Cagayan Tuesday night, police said. Constant Van Girt was overheard having a heated argument with his 37-year-old wife Rosaly minutes before shooting her with a 9-mm pistol. Van Giert then turned the gun on himself, the police said. Police said they were investigating what triggered the argument, which witnesses said occurred after the wife received a mysterious telephone call. – Charlie Lagasca

    aus philstar

    Bohol – Brite ermordet

    British national stabbed;
    dies along city coastline

    A 43-year old British national was found dead yesterday morning at Boloc-boloc Spring in barangay Mansasa, this city, adding to the number of killings in the city during the past few weeks.

    Police identified the victim, with several stab wounds, as Martin Williams, of Liverpool, United Kingdom, who operates the Sea Bar Resort in barangay Tawala, Pangalo town.

    The victim had been dead for over six hours when his lifeless body was recovered at about 6 a.m. yesterday, according to Dr. Apollo John Bernaldez of the City Health Office.

    Kanadier ermordet

    MANILA, Philippines—Police are looking at robbery as the motive behind the killing of a Canadian who was shot dead inside his rented room in a Makati City apartelle Tuesday.

    Robert William Dublanko, 65, died on the spot from multiple gunshot wounds in different parts of the body, said case investigator Political Officer 3 Jason David.

    David said the victim’s Filipina wife, Carolina, told them her husband’s bag containing P250,000 worth in Canadian and Australian dollars was missing and could have been taken by the killer.

    He said Carolina left the room on the second floor of Robelle House on 4402 Valdez Street, Barangay (Village) Poblacion around 1 a.m. to buy food.

    When she came back a few minutes later, David said Carolina found her husband bloodied on the bed.

    According to the investigator, the gunman could have forcibly entered the victim’s room when his wife left the room.

    David said they recovered three empty shells and two bullet slugs from a .45-cal. pistol.

    aus inquirer

    2 nab for killing British national

    In its manhunt operations police arrested on Thursday two youngsters involved in the brutal killing of British national Martin Williams aka Martin Hawthorne who was found dead Tuesday morning in Boloc-boloc Spring, barangay Mansasa, this city.

    The City Police confirmed they arrested one Christian Gulle, 22 years old, and his female teenage companion, 19-year old Irene Borja, both residents of barangay Mansasa.

    Operatives found an identification card of Gulle at the crime scene which gave them a lead to arrest the male assailant who was at his parents’ house Thursday morning.

    Investigators said Gulle admitted to stabbing Williams 14 times after the victim allegedly tried to rape and hurt his teenage companio


    3 Indian nationals slain in Camarines Sur

    LEGAZPI CITY, Philippines—An Indian national couple and their nine-year-old daughter were killed by three unidentified men inside their rented home in Canaman town, Camarines Sur Wednesday morning, police said Thursday.

    A report from Camp Simeon Ola here said the men, armed with a .45 cal. pistol and a hand grenade, forcibly entered the victims’ house in Fernando Compound, in the village of Haring at around 9 a.m.

    The fatalities were identified as Parajamit Grewal, his wife Fami Cor Grewal and their daughter Harsimran Kaur.

    The family’s helper, Susan Chavez of Pasacao town, told police that the men were looking for her employer’s handgun and shabu (methamphetamine hydrochloride).

    She said she was rendered unconscious when the assailants punched her in the face and abdomen. When she came to, she found her employers in the comfort room, with injuries.

    The police report said the victims were brought to the Mother Seton Hospital in Naga City but were all declared dead on arrival.

    via 3 Indian nationals slain in Camarines Sur –, Philippine News for Filipinos.

    Gunmen on motorcycle kill American

    ANGELES CITY — Two motorcycle-riding men shot an American national in Barangay Malabanias before dawn on Thursday.

    Chief Inspector Ronaldo Lorenzo, commander of Police Station 4, identified the victim as Jerry Melton, 51, a tourist.

    Witnesses told investigators the American was shot by men on board a blue motorcycle at a vacant lot between Euro-Asia Hotel and Lewis Grand Hotel.

    Although suffering from a bullet wound on the chest, the victim was able to walk to a nearby hotel and seek assistance there. He was rushed to Angeles University Foundation Medical Center but doctors pronounced him dead on arrival.

    The motive for the killing was not immediately established.

    The still unidentified assailants, who fled towards Friendship Highway, did not take the victim’s wallet and valuables.

    Last week, the barangay chief of Pulung Maragul village was gunned down near a makeshift carnival here by a still unidentified assailant.

    Mayor Francis Nepomuceno, city councilors, and barangay captains urged the local police to intensify their campaign against criminals.

    via Gunmen on motorcycle kill American | Sun.Star Network Online.

    French national’s family in Negros faces murder raps | ABS-CBN News Online Beta

    French national’s family in Negros faces murder raps | 03/05/2009 1:22 PM

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    Police have filed murder charges against a French national, his Filipina wife and three children for allegedly masterminding the murder of a French woman in Negros Occidental on Tuesday.

    Murder charges were filed against Abdullah Benameroche, his wife Rose and three children after the killing of French woman Genevieve Sonia.

    Sonia was shot twice to the head by Melchorito Alcala on Ledesma Avenue in San Carlos City City. Minutes after the shooting, police arrested Alcala.

    Police said Alcala told them that the Benameroche family hired him to kill Sonia.

    Investigators said the possible motive of the crime may have been disputes over family property. They said the victim was supposed to be married to Abdullah’s brother.

    Police said that according to Alcala, the whole Benameroche family planned the killing.

    The Benameroche family has declined to comment on the allegation. — report from Romeo Subaldo, ABS-CBN Negros

    via French national’s family in Negros faces murder raps | ABS-CBN News Online Beta.

    Sydney man shot dead in Philippines

    Sydney man shot dead in Philippines

    * February 27, 2009

    A 56-year-old Australian man has been shot dead by unknown gunmen in the home of his Filipina girlfriend in the central Philippines, police say.

    Kenneth Fahey, from Sydney, was shot in the chest on Tuesday after four unknown men broke into a beachfront house near the town of Ayungon on Negros island, Inspector Eric Errol Besario said on Friday.

    The girlfriend, a widowed Filipina, told police the suspects kicked down the door as she watched television downstairs.

    Fahey, who was sleeping upstairs, was shot as he rushed downstairs after hearing his girlfriend cry for help, Besario told AFP by telephone.

    The woman jumped out a window and fled to the house of a neighbour who took her to the police station.

    Fahey and the woman settled in the area about three years ago, Besario said, adding that he did not know the victim’s line of work.

    The Australian embassy in Manila has asked the Ayungon police to make an inventory of the victim’s belongings and to arrange the transport of the body to Australia, Besario said.

    The consular office in Manila said it had no comment to make on the case.

    via Sydney man shot dead in Philippines |

    Deutscher in Bacolod ermorded

    14.2.2009 Deutscher in Bacolod ermordet

    Letzte Nacht wurde Klaus P., der ehemalige Inhaber des früheren Restaurants “Bärlin”, in seinem Haus in Bacolod ermordet.

    Cops probe slay of German national

    The police said yesterday that they are still determining what triggered the killing of a German national by a still unidentified person at his house at Extension Road, Purok Rosas, Brgy. Taculing, Bacolod, at about 8 p.m. Friday.

    Chief Insp. Ulysses Ortiz, Police Station 6 commander, said they are waiting for the autopsy report and the paraffin test results on Klaus Porschwitz, who was found slumped beside his car and mechanical tools in his garage.

    Porschwitz, 57, had a visible wound on his forehead when he was found by his assistant, Betty Silva, a report by case investigator, PO1 Clemens Mabugat, showed.

    While a casing of a handgun was recovered from the crime scene, Ortiz said only the postmortem examination conducted by Bacolod medico-legal Eli Cong would show if Porschwitz, a businessman, had indeed been shot.

    Porschwitz’s wife, who requested that her name be withheld, said in a text message to the DAILY STAR that she and the German had separated eight years ago.

    The wife appealed to the possible witnesses to the crime to surface and help identify his assailant and the mastermind.

    Ortiz, meanwhile, said they ruled out robbery as a motive because Porschwitz’s valuables were untouched when his body was found.

    The wife has also assured the police that she will cooperate with the investigation.PP

    Zehnjähriger aus Norderstedt ermordet

    Grausam erstickt

    Zehnjähriger aus Norderstedt ermordet

    Bernadita von B. wollte ihre Tochter aus Asien holen. Da rastete ihr ehemaliger Lebensgefährte aus: drei Tote. Entsetzen bei den Kindern der vierten Klasse der Gottfried-Keller-Grundschule in Norderstedt: Ihr Klassenkamerad Christoph von B. (10) ist gehört zu den Opfern auf den Philippinen.

    Die Norderstedterin Bernadita von B. hat alles verloren. Sie flog auf die Philippinen, um ihre Kinder Christoph (10) und Christy (5) zusammenzubringen. Jetzt sind beide tot – ermordet von Christys Vater Felix Ortiz. Polizisten fanden den 35-Jährigen neben den toten Kindern in einem Apartment in Cebu City. Er hatte sich erhängt, nachdem er den Jungen und das Mädchen mit Plastiktüten erstickt hatte.

    via Zehnjähriger aus Norderstedt ermordet.

    Deutscher in Angeles City ermordet

    Deutscher Staatsbürger Bernt Diefenbacher in Angels City ermordet!

    In Angeles City wurde heute Nachmittag ( 19.01.2009 kurz nach 12 Uhr ) der Deutsche Bernt Diefenbacher ( 59 ) gebürtig aus Forchheim Rheinstetten ( Karlsruhe ) tot aufgefunden. Das Opfer wurde durch einen Bekannten, Hr. Siegfried Wittmann, zusammen mit der örtlichen Polizei identifiziert. Nach ersten Untersuchungen starb er durch massive Schläge auf den Kopf, vermutlich in der Nacht vom 18.01. zum 19.01.2009.Der stark zertrümmerte Schädel lässt auf eine sehr brutale, mit viel Gewalt ausgeführte Tat schließen. Nach ersten Informationen kommen als mögliche Tatwaffe ein Baseballschläger, oder eine Machete in Betracht.

    Es gibt bislang wenig Anzeichen für einen Einbruch-Diebstahl.

    Die Polizei hat inzwischen den Tatort weiträumig abgesperrt und die Untersuchungen wurden von einer Spezialeinheit der Polizei aufgenommen.

    Niemand kann sich bis jetzt diese schreckliche Tat erklären, da “Pinatubo Ben” wie er hier nur genannt wurde, von allen als nett und freundlich beschrieben wurde.

    Ergänzung: Nach Information von Chief Insp. Rene Aspe der Polizeistation von Angeles, befand sich der halbnackte Körper mit dem Gesicht nach unten, in der nähe des Zauns, ein Baseballschläger und ein blutverschmiertes Messer lagen unweit davon. Am ganzen Körper befanden sich Stich und Hiebverletzungen. Für einen Einbruch liegen wenig Anhaltspunkte vor, ein mögliche Beziehungstat wird nicht ausgeschlossen.

    Einige Zeit vor diesem Ereignis, wurde bereits der Wach-Hund auf dem Grundstück des späteren Opfers, durch ein Gift getötet.

    via Deutscher in Angeles City ermordet » IPP-Travel – Info Point Philippinen –.

    Philippinen: Deutscher mit eingeschlagenem Schädel aufgefunden

    Philippinen: Deutscher mit eingeschlagenem Schädel aufgefunden

    In Angeles City ist am heutigen Montagmorgen der Deutsche Bernt D. tot in seiner Wohnung aufgefunden worden. Der 55-jährige “Pinatubo Ben” soll in der Nacht vom 18. zum 19.1.2009 ermordet worden sein, so die Polizei.

    Die Tatwaffe soll laut Polizei ein Baseballschläger sein. Auch eine Machete kann in Frage kommen. Die extremen Kopfverletzungen, welche durch große Gewalteinwirkung hervorgerufen wurden, lassen diesen Schluss zu, so die Beamten.

    Die Untersuchungen wurden in der Zwischenzeit von Polizeibeamten aufgenommen. Einen Raubüberfall kann man ausschließen, da nichts gestohlen wurde.

    via Philippinen: Deutscher mit eingeschlagenem Schädel aufgefunden.

    Filipinos kill Aussie Werner Holz, 70, in robbery | The Australian

    AN Australian businessman has been stabbed to death by robbers as he tried to stop them ransacking his home in The Philippines.

    Werner Holz, 70, from Melbourne, died from at least 20 stab wounds after fighting three intruders who broke into his home early on Tuesday in the town of Ajuy, in the province of Iloilo, local media reported.

    The robbers fled with about $46,000 in cash and jewellery, leaving Mr Holz’s wife tied up, according to the Philippine Daily Inquirer.

    Iloilo provincial police director Ricardo de la Paz said the robbers, armed with knives and handguns, entered the couple’s house after midnight and forced them to open their vault. Mr Holz was killed as he struggled with the intruders in the couple’s bedroom.

    His Filipino wife, Vivian Posadas-Holz, 31, was assaulted and left tied up before being freed hours later by two household staff.

    via Filipinos kill Aussie Werner Holz, 70, in robbery | The Australian.

    Philippinen: Deutscher Tourist tot in Hotelzimmer gefunden

    Philippinen: Deutscher Tourist tot in Hotelzimmer gefunden

    Ein deutscher Tourist ist tot im Bad seines Hotelzimmers auf den Philippinen gefunden worden, sein Bett war mit Blut befleckt. Möglicherweise handelt es sich um einen Selbstmord, doch die Polizei hält das für eine Täuschung.

    Wie die Behörden am Samstag mitteilten, entdeckten Zimmermädchen das blutbesudelte Laken, als sie den Raum in einem Hotel der Stadt Dumaguete, etwa 525 Kilometer südlich der Hauptstadt Manila, saubermachen wollten, und riefen sofort die Polizei. Die Ermittler entdeckten die Leiche des 43-Jährigen im Bad über die Toilettenschüssel gebeugt. Am linken Arm fanden sich Einschnitte. Der Tourist kam regelmäßig nach Dumaguete. Diesmal war er am 21. November im Hotel eingetroffen. Die Adresse des Mannes in Deutschland ist nach Angaben der Polizei unbekannt.

    via Philippinen: Deutscher Tourist tot in Hotelzimmer gefunden.